Sunday, June 24, 2007

Mimicking Caleb

This will only make sense to my New Zealand teammates. But it's hilarious for those that will get it!!! Love you guys!

Drum Circle

This is a drum circle that meets at a local park. They are so much fun to watch! Sorry the sound isn't the greatest... I was trying to be sneaky and unnoticed.

Spring Ducklings

Yep. I know. It's actually summer. But I needed a quick idea for a post, and I knew I hadn't shown you pictures of our ducklings. As many of you know, our apartment complex has a family of ducks that hang out all year. This was our first spring here, and we saw two sets of ducklings. Here is a picture of one little family of ducklings. They were so small and cute! I just wanted to cuddle them all. But as you may be able to tell, Momma Duck wasn't having any of that! She was very protective! As she should be. But I did manage to snap a pic of them.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Okay, okay. I give in.

After many of you expressed interest in knowing 100 random things about me, I decided to go ahead and waste my time and come up with 100 random things. So here you go. You crazy people. I hope you all enjoy these weird, random facts about moi. Feel free to add to the list! I'm interested to know what you guys know about me!

100 Random Things about me:

1. I have naturally curly hair
2. I love plants, and have recently learned a little about gardening
3. I love looking at the night sky… stars and planets ☺
4. All of my furniture is handed down from someone else
5. I can watch the same movie over and over again
6. I can watch movies all day long
7. I love candles
8. I love incense
9. I love to cook when I have the time
10. I love to wrap myself up in warm towels fresh out of the dryer.
11. I love taking pictures
12. I don’t have hardly any of my own pictures hanging in my house.
13. I can change the way my handwriting looks just by changing the pen I’m using
14. I love to play the piano
15. I’m learning to play the guitar, and loving it!
16. I’m usually afraid of dogs, but recently have loved all I’ve met.
17. When I was little, my cousins and I did a concert for our family singing to “Barbie, and the Rockers”!
18. We also did that to “Jem”
19. My Grandma wouldn’t let me watch the Disney show “Kids Incorporated” because they danced.
20. I think about my Mom every single day, and miss her more each time I do.
21. I like a variety of styles of music.
22. I don’t like to sew. I can, but I don’t LIKE to
23. I love to scrapbook, but haven’t ever made myself one. I’ve always made scrapbooks for other people.
24. I have this weird fascination with pregnancy and babies
25. I’m worried that might change once I actually have a baby.
26. I want to become a doula, or labor coach.
27. I love going to yard sales.
28. The only thing I’ve ever stolen was a single song on a cassette tape. I’ve still got it somewhere. Sometimes I want to take it back.
29. I love to play board games and card games.
30. I love to laugh.
31. I use to laugh like a donkey when I was in elementary school.
32. I’ve been to New Zealand twice.
33. I plan to move to New Zealand to live.
34. I was a cheerleader in high school.
35. Our skirts could not be any shorter than 2 inches above the knee.
36. We would roll the waist of our skirts to make them shorter.
37. I went to a private school.
38. I once stapled my thumbs together.
39. I’d rather take a shower than a bath.
40. I love getting a massage.
41. I love rosemary.
42. I’ve flown in a Powered Parachute plane, thing.
43. I love watching the ocean, but not too fond of getting in it.
44. I have a tattoo.
45. I want another tattoo.
46. I love going to yard sales.
47. I love listening to the “oldies” station. It reminds me of my dad.
48. I’ve pet a dolphin, one of my favorite animals in the world.
49. I’ve been to Hawaii.
50. I LOVE pineapple!
51. I am a meat lover… I could never be a vegetarian.
52. I can go to sleep anywhere, anytime.
53. I love staying in hotels.
54. I once wanted to own a bed and breakfast.
55. I like light. Meaning: I’d rather have all the lights on in the house than to have little, or none.
56. I like to sleep with a fan blowing on me.
57. I wear contacts.
58. I have a long list of books I need to read.
59. Sometimes, I will have two or more books going at the same time.
60. I’m learning how to make jewelry, and loving it!
61. I love vintage clothes.
62. I’ve never been stung by a bee. (knock on wood)
63. I’m not really superstitious.
64. I think it would be fun to go on a cruise, but I’m scared of getting seasick.
65. I remember watching the ORIGINAL Strawberry Shortcake, Rainbow Bright, Smurfs, and My Little Pony.
66. Aqua/teal/turquoise is my favorite color.
67. I love my mother’s china. It’s very vintage, and me.
68. My husband’s grandfather (whom I never met) used to make paintings for the Holiday Inn Hotel chain.
69. I’ve been swimming in the Atlantic ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Lake Michigan, and the Pacific ocean.
70. I’m a pro at “Burnout Revenge” on the X-box. It’s a car racing game!
71. My very first job was at the local Pizza Inn.
72. I’ve seen the movies “10 Things I Hate About You”, “50 First Dates”, and “Anne of Green Gables” so many times I can quote them all almost word for word.
73. I LOVE getting popcorn when I go to the movie theater. Extra butter, please.
74. I’d rather have vanilla ice cream than chocolate.
75. I don’t like pudding or yogurt, unless it’s mixed in with other food.
76. I don’t like coffee, or tea. Hot chocolate for me.
77. I’m moving to a country that drinks tea all day.
78. Thankfully, they also have hot chocolate, or milo.
79. I’ve never seen myself growing old.
80. I love rocking chairs and recliners.
81. I never watched “Friends” growing up, but am loving it now!
82. I love live music shows.
83. I’ve had a broken pinky finger.
84. I can’t hold my breath under water while swimming.
85. I used to have seizures when I was little.
86. I know how to give CPR to babies and little kids.
87. I get sunburned really easy.
88. I used to get so sunburned I would get blisters.
89. I haven’t flown a kite in years.
90. I’ve experienced a completely motionless New York City subway platform. While waiting on the subway, the chorus group I was with started singing one of our most beautiful songs about Jesus. Everyone in the vicinity was quiet and just watching us. Slowly, as soon as the song was over, everyone started going on their merry little way, just as if nothing ever happened.
91. I have my nose pierced, and love it.
92. I love pens. I can’t help it.
93. When I go to sleep, I have to turn on my side, facing the outside of the bed. I can’t go to sleep otherwise.
94. I always prepare myself to do my pilates or yoga on my days off, but then find other stuff to do instead.
95. I love sunsets.
96. I love sunrises, but hardly ever see them.
97. My husband says I’m addicted to chap stick. He thinks I have a serious problem with it. I don’t have a problem. I just like for my lips to not be chapped and dry.
98. I always put water on my toothbrush… before AND after I put the toothpaste on it.
99. I’m a procrastinator.

Monday, June 04, 2007


This is hilarious!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Last of our trip

So when we left Memphis, we decided we would call some friends of ours and meet for dinner. We hadn't seen Nate and Tina since last year, and were really excited about getting to see them again! Especially since they have had a baby, and we hadn't met him yet. We met at Colton's and ate dinner and talked for a good while. I got to sit by Zeke, which was great for picture takin! Isn't he SO CUTE!?!

I also forgot to post this picture from when we were in Nashville. The house across from Lynn's house dates back to the Civil war. It was used as a hospital. The "shed" in the back is one of the access points for the Underground Railroad. Apparently, the tunnel is still in tact. Pretty cool, I thought. But I thought the house was gorgeous, so I wanted you all to see it!

100th POST!

Well, this is my one hundredth post. I was thinking I might revamp the way my blog looks, but I really like the way it looks. Then I thought I would tell you 100 random things about me... but I'm not really that interesting. Nor do I want to spend time trying to come up with 100 random things about me. So there's not really anything new going on here.

But I at least wanted to acknowledge the fact that it's my 100th post! Yea.
