Monday, January 30, 2006

Longing for our new home

Oh how my heart longs for New Zealand today.

I went to a NZ website this morning that had updated pictures of events that people I knew had participated in. I saw several ladies that I had met during our trips (both first time and second) there and wished I could have been there with them. Some days I feel so strongly that my place is not here but with the people in NZ that I feel sick. It's almost a feeling of "homesickness". "How can that be", I ask myself. I think it's truely a God-given desire. But waiting for the "right" time is the hardest thing in the whole world! Some days, I just want to forget about saving money to pay off loans. I just want to be there.

Oh Lord, please give me patience to wait on you and your perfect timing. I know you are preparing me for the time we will be in New Zealand. But prepare me faster!! I'm ready to be your servant to the people in NZ. Please keep this burning passion for NZ alive.
Waiting on you, Amber


Anonymous said...'s a thought. (I'm not sure that it's what I really want or think ...cause I don't think I'm ready for you to leave yet, but the words are just pouring out anyway) You guys could just go now. Sell your things, write to a bunch of churches asking for them to help you with your loan repayment and just go. You could launch your photography business over there - and it would be a way to meet people and start ministering to them. Daniel could still be working too, just over the web. I'm sure you could write to just a bunch of churches and people and just write them and tell them you are just trying to get your loans paid off so that you can be self-supporting over there. If you're meant to go now, then the money would start rolling in.

Amber said...

That's something I would love to do. But telling my brain that it's possible is a tough feat. I can think of all these excuses not to. But you are right.

*I'm not ready to be away from you, either!*

Unknown said...

It will all work out in God's time. I love your gentle heart. :)


Anonymous said...

Plus, we're still recruiting our friends (and having some success it would seem)! So it's not all fruitless!

- D

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you--that the right thing will happen at the right time. Although, I have to admit I don't want you to go too soon. :(


Anonymous said...

Hey I saw that you are advertising your photography. I was thinking I could email you some of my wedding photos for you to post on your website so potential customers can get a better idea of your work! Let me know!