Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Lunar Eclipse

When Daniel told me about the upcoming lunar eclipse, I was so excited! I was really looking forward to seeing this amazing event! So, we did our research and figured out when we would need to be awake to watch the eclipse. D even did some research for me on photographing eclipses. So we were armed. We went to bed early Monday night. Set the alarm for 3:15 am. Got up, dressed, and out the door we went. We headed east and found a really good spot. Set up the tripod, and started taking pictures. It was so cool! I kept changing the settings so I could get different effects of the moon. We got home at 5:45 and went right back to bed!

Thought you might want to see what came out.

Before you judge me and my photo-taking abilities, keep in mind that this was my first attempt at catching a lunar eclipse. And I didn't take into account that there would be dew from the early morning. So all my pictures are blurry from the dew buildup. :( I was actually pretty disappointed. But, you live and you learn. At least I'll know what to do for next time! Just try to look past the blur!!!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mom

My mom would have been 55 today. We probably would have gone to the salon to pamper her. She loved being pampered. Getting manicures and pedicures were on the top of her list.

I sure do miss her.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Too many options

Yesterday, I had to go to the grocery store. Yuck. I had my list, so I was prepared. It wasn't going to take me 4 hours just to get a few basics. I usually start with non-perishables first. So I go get toothpaste, shampoo, deo, etc., and start to head on over to the food. I know I need to get tissues. So I start there.

I'm standing in the tissue aisle for over 20 minutes. Why? Because there's like, 200 options to choose from. Name brand, generic. 1 ply, 2 ply, 3 ply. Lotion, no lotion. Not to mention, now there's like, 200 different designs. So I have to decide between economical and boring, or cute and sassy. But even then, I gotta find the right one that matches my decor at home. So I'm not only trying to find the best option budget-wise, but now I've got to decide if that color or design will look good in my living room/bedroom/kitchen/bathroom. Ugh.

So I'm interested to know what eats up YOUR time at the supermarket?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I think I need to go yard saling.

So this morning, I take Daniel to work like every other day. I've dropped him off, and now headed back home. I pass by this building right next to D's, and there's tons of people in the parking lot. They're all spread out with tons of clothes and such set out.

My first thought: "Wow! It's a huge combined yard sale!" So I slow down, trying to see what's out, cause I might want to stop.

My second thought: "But it's a Thursday. Don't the big yard sales usually wait till the weekend?"

Realization: This isn't a sale. It's freshmen, with their parents, getting all their dorm stuff ready to take inside to their dorm.

Oops. *Blush*

Friday, August 03, 2007

Angel Pennies

I found a penny tonight. In my dishwasher.

Thanks, Mom.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Your friendly neighborhood spi... skink

We've got some skinks. They're super fast! I've been having a hard time getting any pics of them. But I finally managed to!!! Enjoy these! *Also using my new lens!!* :D

Our "little" ducklings

So... the baby ducks that were born this year are getting SO big! They still travel all together, and they're starting to be comfortable around people. They even eat the food our neighbor leaves out in her yard. Pretty soon, I won't be able to tell which ones are the "babies" anymore!

ps. This pic was taken with my new lens! :)