Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

These are a few of the sights we've seen today. The weathermen predicted snow... again. But until today, those predictions never came true. Today, however, it is snowing heavily! Okay, at least for Arkansas, it's snowing heavily. Ness, Sara... I know you guys are trying to muffle your giggles!! Anyway, it's cool, and I thought I'd post a couple pictures of it. One is of our car early on in the day. The other is of tracks from our resident ducks that live in our apartment complex. They are so cute, huddled together, waddling from one pond to the other! :)

Sunday, January 28, 2007


We went home this past weekend for a visit. Actually, we were helping Dad to continue cleaning out the house. We had to go through Mom's closet and my old room, etc. It was very difficult. Almost more difficult than when Mom first died. We found old pictures of us and her family. We found birthday and anniversary cards that she had kept from years long ago. She had kept projects that I had done in elementary school. One year we went to Disney World, and she had made us all matching bright yellow shirts with bears on them. She had kept those. Shoes, old newspapers, knitting projects, jewelry, pictures... The list goes on and on.

All this has made me think about what "home" really means. Is it the town you grew up in? Is it the people you grew up with? Is it friends? Family? A building? What is home? I found myself realizing that home has taken a different shape. It is no longer the things I thought it was. It is not a house, or a city even. "Home is where the heart is." And my heart is constantly unfulfilled with life here. I am looking forward to my final "HOME COMING"!


This is Louie. He is the protector of all things.... well, at least at my new job! He belongs to my boss, Stacey. He is a Belgian German Shepherd. If you know me at all, you would know that big dogs and I don't usually get along. However, Louie and I hit it off well from day one. He's got nothin' but love for those who are good and true. He loves to be petted a lot. Sometimes, he'll come right up by me and want me to scratch his back. I like it when Louie is there. We all feel pretty safe with him guarding us. And Stacey says he loves to be up at the shop with her. So, it looks like me and Louie will have many more days together! :)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dark Star Visual

So I started my new job. It's going pretty good so far. Kinda slow, but hopefully things will pick up soon. I work at this place called Dark Star Visual (DSV for short) that was named after a Grateful Dead song. It is a bead shop/ hippy store. The hours are great! For January we're open 11-5. Starting Feb, we're going back to 10-6. Closed Sundays. So I get my evenings back with hubby, and don't have to miss church! Get this, the half of the store I'm currently working in has clothes, jewelry, incense, and other gift items. The other half of the store is full of beads. You can go and make your own jewelry, or pick out what you like and have someone make it for you. So cool. And guess what? My boss, Stacey, said she was going to start training me on the bead room. The girl who is there now will be leaving in May, so that would leave only Stacey to work the bead room. She might like to take a day off every once in a while, so she's going to start training me to make jewelry!! I'm so excited about that! Can't wait! Plus, she's starting to incorporate Precious Metal Clay art into the work... how fun!!

I've posted some pics of the store and two of the girls I work with. The one with the black wig was dressed up for a costume party. She normally has blond hair! And her name is Echo! She has hippy parents. The one with leg warmers on the OUTSIDE of her pants.... yeah, she's crazy! But she's leaving in a couple of weeks. Anyway, enjoy the pics. And if you're ever in the area, you'll have to come and see me!!

Cool Sky

Just thought you all might enjoy this picture. I thought the sky looked pretty awesome!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Goodbye Vanity

I'd like to say that I'm saying goodbye to my personal vanity, but alas, no. I'm saying goodbye to my former employer. Yea!! Not that I didn't enjoy it, but good heavens! I always worked nights and basically had no social life! So glad that's over. I'll have to post pics of my new place when I get some taken. You're in for a treat!! Till then, here's a few of the last outfits I put together and some of the cute little high school girls that I worked with.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Okay. OKAY! I know that I haven't posted in a while. I know! But here I am... posting. So you better enjoy it!! ;)

I was at the store buying some bread. And it's a pretty big bread section. I thought I'd browse the aisles when all of sudden I see this package. What is it, you say? Toast. TOAST! What the? Who buys bread that is already toasted?! Who is so lazy that they can't even put bread in a toaster?! I had to back up a moment and think to myself, "Self, you never know WHO might need bread that's already toasted. People without a toaster might need already toasted bread. People that don't know how to operate a toaster might need already browned warm bread." The only problem? It's not hot. Who eats toast that isn't hot? Who puts butter or jam on cold toast?!

Okay, well, some of you out there might actually buy this already toasted bread. I don't know. But I just thought it was interesting and just HAD to tell you all about it!