Friday, June 16, 2006


We're off to our first vacation spot of the summer. BRANSON!! When I was little, we went to Branson several time during the summer. So I'm excited about getting to go now. This will be the first time being there without mom, so I know parts of it will be difficult. But I know she would have wanted us to have a good time.

When I get back, I'll post pics!


Unknown said...

I wanna go. :( Maybe when I come in August (or July) we can run up there again.


Laurie said...

Enjoy Branson...your mom will be smiling down on you and wanting you to enjoy yourself! You deserve it!

Anonymous said...

I hope you are having a great time on vacation! I have been thinking and praying about you a lot lately. I hope that everything is going great with your new job!! I have been searching for a job myself and haven't had much luck at all. I have a question for you. I have started a blog on blogspot and I am a little "computer stupid" I guess. Is there a way that I can make your blog a favorite or something so that I can just easily click on it and go to it? Do you know what I mean?
Again, I hope you are having a blast in Branson.

Amber said...

Jess! So glad you got a blog! I don't know how to make a link to other blogs. I'm pretty illiterate as well. Maybe I'll do some research and find out how!

Sissy, I got you some taffy! I'll be sending it to you soon!!