Sunday, November 11, 2007

Here comes the Bride

We got to eat dinner with Jason and Penny on Thursday! It was GREAT to see them and to catch up on how they are doing. *Penny, I miss you!*

Last weekend, my Dad got married. He married a wonderful lady by the name of Lynn. They had the wedding in Nashville, and so we made the long journey there. D had to use some vacation days just so we could make it there in plenty of time. We left here on Thursday and stopped in Memphis for the night. It was a good break, and an added bonus to get to visit with D's Grandmother. *I got bored on the trip, so that's the reason for the odd pic of me!* **Yeah, I know... like, which one, right?!** Anyway, thought I'd post a few pics from the weekend.

I got to help put together the centerpieces for the family dinner the night before the wedding. Becca helped too by putting the candles in the right places! I think they turned out great!!

This (the chocolate one) was the best cake I've ever had!! Yummy!!!

At the wedding, Dad and Lynn had a table with the story of how they met. Their relationship is so sweet and tender. They had a rock with different words on them (such as love, hope, grace, joy) for everyone to take home.

Walking down the aisle together to the song, "Somewhere Out There". The band was really good!

Walking as husband and wife!

These are two of Lynn's three boys... Mark and Jeremy. And Lynn's mother, too.

The day after the wedding, we got to eat lunch with a friend of ours from Nashville. It was great to get to see Kyle again! He's been considering going to New Zealand with us for a while now. Keep him in your prayers as he continues to discover His path.

On the way home, we stopped in Memphis again. We got to eat lunch with D's Mom. It was a pleasant visit, even though it was short.


Sweet Woodruff said...

So, how did they meet?

Amber said...


They met through E-Harmony. Their first phone conversation lasted 5 hours! Once, I think for the holiday, Lynn gave Dad a box full of stones that had those words on them. And they talked about what each one meant to them. When Dad proposed, he gave her the box of stones and they talked about them again, only this time he had a "special rock"! It was really sweet. :)

Unknown said...

The pics look great, baby! I'm so proud of you.

Anonymous said...

I hope you know I had been waiting (patiently) for the wedding pics!!! Thanks for the post!
I had a great time seeing you. I hope we don't have to wait so long again - life will be calmer soon (I hope). Love you tons and miss you!!!

Anonymous said...

ahhh...somewhere out there is one of my favorite songs of all time.

can't wait until the make fievel into a musical :-) LOL

Unknown said...

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Gracie says Hi. Good pictures.

the Spocks said...

Tell your dad Congratulations for us. It looked like a beautiful wedding. Have a happy turkey day.