Wednesday, May 09, 2007


So D and I went to visit family this past weekend. The first place we went was a park. We saw these geese with their babies and thought they were so cute! They also had some pretty flowers and took the opportunity to take some pictures.

*More posts on our recent trip to follow. But I thought I'd give all of you out there who are "bored" something new to look at! (hee hee) ;)*


Unknown said...

You take such good pictures. I can't wait for your exhibit in October.


Anonymous said...

Love the pics!!! Can't wait to hear about your trip!!! See ya Sunday!!

~Jaye T.

Anonymous said...

Cool. The worms post was getting old . . . =)

Vanessa said...


great pics...i love the what-are-they...pansies? violas? Johnny-jump-ups? the orange and purple pretty.

missed you big time Sunday.