Saturday, September 22, 2007

A new kind of photo shoot

So the other day, I'm off of work. I had planned on using the time to catch up on some picture taking for the big show. But first I wanted to drop off some recycling at work. When I got there, Echo (another employee) was there finishing up some jewelry. She was all dressed up because she had just come from a "photo shoot" with her friends. They needed pictures of hair, makeup, and jewelry. But Echo wasn't happy with the pictures taken of her. Here's where I come in! She asked if I could take a few shots with her camera. I told her I could do better than that... I had my camera in my car! So off we went on a spur of the moment photo shoot. It was really fun! I think I might want to start doing modeling shots more. Anyway, I hope you enjoy these few pics from the session! :D


Anonymous said...

you're brilliant

Unknown said...

Amber.... Like I said.... Accomplished! Wow..... Yeah, you need to do more of those kinds.
