Friday, November 25, 2005


Daniel and I just got back from visiting Memphis. We were visiting family this week. Special thanks goes to Josh and Ellen for letting us use their car! What great friends!! (We love you guys!) So on Wednesday, we got to sleep in, which was wonderful. We got up, showered, then went to the Blue Plate Cafe to eat breakfast/lunch. For those of you who don't know what the Blue Plate Cafe is, you are so missing out. It's this little restaurant that cooks southern style food. Their menus are made out of newspaper. I had scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, and buttermilk pancakes. Not SBD approved, but still so tasty. :P After lunch, Daniel and I went to a music store, went to his Mom's, then went back to Grandmother's to help her cook. We went back to his Mom's for dinner and visiting, then back to Grandmother's to sleep. D's cousin came in for Turkey day. He was at g-ma's when we got back. He had been roped into making sweet potatoes...which turned out yummy!

On Thursday, we didn't sleep in. But we did get to meet D's sister's boyfriend. He seems like a nice guy. It looks like he treats her pretty well. Which she deserves and needs. We ate lunch at about 11:30. D's Dad made this cajun flavored fried turkey. It was the best! At 1:30ish, we went to his Mom's side to visit with that family. Of course, we sampled the homemade rolls and dessert over there. Again, not SBD approved, but still yummy. We ended up staying over there for a long time. We all watched The Polar Express together. It was such a cute movie! And it was fun to be with family that we don't normally get to see. After that, we went back to g-ma's for dinner. A day of constant eating. Sigh. At g-ma's, we watched movies on tv. One station had a "Hanksgiving" ... a marathon of movies with Tom Hanks. We ended up watching "Big", "The money pit", and "Every time we say goodbye". By the time those were over, I could hardly keep my eyes open.

Today was pretty uneventful. Slept in. Ate. Left. That was about it. Oh, we did buy gas for $1.89!! That was pretty exciting.

Even though it was good to see family, there's nothing like being home. Home Sweet Home. It's not perfect, but I love being here.


Unknown said...

I'm so glad you had a decent holiday. I miss you. :( But we'll be there soon.


Shannon said...

i'm glad you had a happy holiday! We stayed home this year. Have you done christmas decorations yet?

Leslie said...

Jeremy and I had basically the same holiday! We're exhausted! And nothing we ate was SBD approved...except the first turkey, it was dry, ick! The second turkey was fried, though, and it was GREAT!