Sunday, January 28, 2007


We went home this past weekend for a visit. Actually, we were helping Dad to continue cleaning out the house. We had to go through Mom's closet and my old room, etc. It was very difficult. Almost more difficult than when Mom first died. We found old pictures of us and her family. We found birthday and anniversary cards that she had kept from years long ago. She had kept projects that I had done in elementary school. One year we went to Disney World, and she had made us all matching bright yellow shirts with bears on them. She had kept those. Shoes, old newspapers, knitting projects, jewelry, pictures... The list goes on and on.

All this has made me think about what "home" really means. Is it the town you grew up in? Is it the people you grew up with? Is it friends? Family? A building? What is home? I found myself realizing that home has taken a different shape. It is no longer the things I thought it was. It is not a house, or a city even. "Home is where the heart is." And my heart is constantly unfulfilled with life here. I am looking forward to my final "HOME COMING"!


Vanessa said...

I'm sorry, Hon. This must be so hard. I can't imagine...


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to go home either. That will be a great day.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to go 'home' too.

Anonymous said...

Definitely been overwhelmed by that feeling before, especially lately. It hurts sometimes how much I miss God and want to be right next to Him.

Anonymous said...

Yep, there is a little Oakes sappling on the way. Should be here sometime in September. I just figured I would write a little about it in the blog! Just easier than calling a million and a half people. :) Dan and I are really excited. It sucks being on the other end of the country, but it will all work out. God has a plan, right?